Critical thinking

5 Critical Thinking Interview Questions Trending in 2023


Critical thinking is an adaptable and highly advantageous skill for professionals across multiple facets of their work, interviews included. In interview scenarios, it empowers candidates to adeptly tackle problem-solving by dissecting intricate issues, generating imaginative solutions, structuring responses to behavioral questions, scrutinizing information critically, and posing insightful inquiries. Beyond the interview realm, critical thinking proves indispensable in problem-solving, decision-making, fostering innovation, enhancing communication effectiveness, mediating conflicts, and promoting continuous learning within the workplace. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in leadership, guiding strategic planning, facilitating ethical decision-making, and driving effective leadership by inspiring teams and nurturing a culture of astute problem-solving.

5 Interview Questions that test Critical Thinking

Check out these questions that you can use to improve your interview skills:

  • What is your technique for making quick decisions?

Tip: When discussing your approach to quick decisions, emphasize the importance of gathering relevant information, evaluating options, and considering potential consequences.

Sample Response: “My technique for making quick decisions involves a three-step process. First, I swiftly gather all available information related to the situation. Second, I evaluate the options at hand, considering both short-term and long-term consequences. Finally, I make a decision based on the best available information and my understanding of the situation.”


  • When solving a problem or completing a task, how do you determine when you need help from others?

Tip: Explain that you know when to seek help by recognizing the complexity or impact of the problem, as well as your own limitations. You can mention the importance of collaboration and communication in your response.

Sample Response: “I assess the need for help by considering the complexity and impact of the problem or task. If it’s something I can’t address efficiently on my own, I’m proactive in seeking input or assistance from colleagues. Open communication is key to achieving the best results, as it ensures we leverage our collective strengths.”

Understanding varied Viewpoints with Critical Thinking

  • Are you able to accept opposing viewpoints?

Tip: Stress your ability to embrace opposing viewpoints as an opportunity for critical thinking and growth. Mention your willingness to listen, analyze, and engage in constructive discussions.

Sample Response: “Absolutely, I welcome opposing viewpoints as they often lead to more comprehensive and well-informed decisions. I believe that by actively listening, analyzing, and engaging in respectful discussions, we can reach solutions that consider a broader spectrum of perspectives, ultimately enhancing the quality of our work.”

Critical Thinking to Help a Colleague

  • How would you handle a situation where a colleague is having trouble understanding your process or solution?

Tip: Describe a patient and collaborative approach, emphasizing your ability to adapt communication styles. Provide additional clarification, and offer support to ensure your colleague grasps the process or solution.

Sample Response: “If a colleague is struggling to understand my process or solution, I’d start by adapting my communication to their preferred style. I’d patiently provide additional clarification and examples as needed, and I’m always open to answering questions. My goal is to ensure my colleague comprehends the material, so we can both contribute effectively to the task.”

The most important question:

  • What would you do in a situation where the poor work performance of one team member was affecting the overall quality of the project?

Tip: Highlight your problem-solving skills and ability to address the situation while maintaining team harmony. Emphasize the importance of open communication and seeking solutions together.

Sample Response: “In such a situation, I would first initiate a private conversation with the team member to understand the challenges they’re facing and offer my support. If necessary, we could identify areas for improvement and create an action plan. Simultaneously, I would foster open communication within the team to collaboratively address the issue. This will ensure we maintain a positive working environment and maintain overall project quality.”

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Yentl Henriques

Yentl is a seasoned writer, with nearly a decades’ worth of experience in crafting influential and thought-provoking articles. Her insatiable love for storytelling is only rivalled by her profound fascination with the nuances of the human condition and the myriad ways people express themselves in an ever-evolving world. Yentl wants to write content that will help to inculcate diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She was born in a small town on the coast of India and that is where she fell in love with the sea. As a dreamer, she loves visiting places that resemble fairy tales and is always on the lookout for her next travel destination. When she is not writing, you will find her painting or working on her self awareness. What distinguishes Yentl as a writer is her versatility and exceptional ability to conduct in-depth research on any given topic with the precision of an expert. This allows her to create content that deeply resonates with the intended audience, fostering engagement and facilitating business goals for brands, organisations and institutions.


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